Опубликовано 11 месяцев назад
IT, интернет, связь, телеком
от 110 000 ₽
5 лет опыта
Полный день
Частичная занятость



О себе

Dear Hiring Manager, I'm thrilled about the opportunity to apply for the Technical Support position at Finder. I have always had natural problem-solving skills, and working in tech support is the perfect job for my skill set. Helping clients solve technical issues and knowing that I've had a positive impact on someone each day is highly rewarding and motivating to me. As I understand that this role requires patience and excellent communication skills alongside the technical know-how. At Bank 131 and Paragon, I solved over 1500 customer technical queries and complaints with zero unpleasant incidents. At OneForce I was able to significantly reduce the overall cost of the company to use third-party services and successfully accompanied 3 clients at a time.

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