Опубликовано 11 месяцев назад
IT, интернет, связь, телеком
По договоренности
Узбекистан, Ташкент
1 год опыта
Частичная занятость


Communication skills
Microsoft Visual Studio
Selenium IDE
Testing Framework

О себе

I am a software engineering student currently pursuing my Bachelor's degree in School of Computer and Information Engineering from INHA University in Tashkent. I have maintained an impressive GPA of 4.3 out of 4.5 throughout my academic career. During my studies, I have gained a strong foundation in Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Information Technology (IT), Algorithms, Software Engineering and Computer Engineering. In terms of work experience, I have completed a 4-month internship at A1QA as a Junior QA Automation Testing Engineer where I was able to strengthen my knowledge in Web-testing using C#, Docker, Jenkins and Git. Self-learning and communication with senior IT specialists were the main ways of studying during the internship period which helped me to boost my skills significantly. As part of the internship program at A1QA, I also developed a final project called "Web-testing", which allowed me to successfully pass the internship exam. The project is written mainly in C# with Selenium library. Apart from this experience, I possess proficiency in three languages - Russian (C2), English (C1) and Uzbek (N).

Владение языками

английский язык - высокий
русский язык - свободное владение
узбекский язык - свободное владение
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