
ООО "Хай Саппорт"

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Предоставление услуг в сфере образования. HI Support (ООО "Хай Саппорт") is an outsource company based in Minsk providing educational services to the Language training center Headway Institute located in Dubai, UAE. Since its establishment, the institute has been providing customized business training solutions in teaching English, Arabic, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish and other languages to academic institutions, corporate groups and individuals. It established a reputation for working creatively and adapting the courses to tight business schedules, specific subject areas and working environment of its clients. For the past years it has designed and delivered English, Arabic and Russian Language courses at all academic levels to the Dubai branch of Saint-Petersburg State Economic University, the first branch of the Russian Universities in the Middle East. Headway Institute has delivered language courses to corporate clients and is proud of the positive feedback from ETISALAT, IKEA, Lukoil Overseas Limited, Brunton Wolf Wire Ropes, Samsung, J. Ray McDermott Middle East, Lamprell, Pentoil Petroleum Limited, Reichhold Inc. and others. Headway Institute also closely works with schools and delivers Mother Tongue programmes for kids in 15 Dubai schools.

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